Princess Bride Westley Costume for Boys


TIME FOR A STORY! How good is your child at serving out those one-liners? A one-liner can go a long way. If your child seems tough and sensitive at the same time you might give him extra ice cream without even realizing it! Usually, we don’t like it when our children talk back… but when your kiddo offers up a rebuttal that comes directly from the glorious characters of The Princess Bride, is it even possible to resist? Why would anyone not want to reward such style! ?We all know this movie is chock full of awesome quotes that most of us have been repeating for twenty years now. It’s about time this generation caught up with the wonder of this 90s classic! If your kiddo has the style and grace to land these lines, we’ve got a look that is going to make it even more amazing. Just say that you need a little Westley costume for your kiddo and you know how we are going to respond!  

Design & Details

It’s time for the officially licensed Westley costume from The Princess Bride. This costume is complete with a black lace-up shirt, waist sash, and black pants you know of the Dread Pirate Roberts. You’ll even get the black head scarf and gloves. Of course, the look wouldn’t be complete without the black eye mask. Pair it with Buttercup, Fezzik, and Inigo Montoya to make your good guy team complete and, this time, we’re happy to say it for you: have fun stormin’ da castle! AS YOU WISH! Honestly, we want nothing more than everyone to enjoy an amazing costume and when it comes from The Princess Bride, it is even better! This Westley costume for your kiddo is a wish that we’re happy to grant. We’d love to hear about the quotes your tyke is going to shout!  

More sizes may be available, shop here.

Brand: FUN Costumes

Gender: Male

Size: M

Color: Black

Material: Cottonblend


Catalog: FUN1867CH-M Categories: , , , Tags: , , , , ,

Princess Bride Westley Costume for Boys

Catalog: FUN1867CH-M Categories , , , Tags , , , , ,