Pilgrim Costume for Women


New World WearHistory Lesson Time! Did you know that the original settlers of Plymouth Colony weren’t actually called “Pilgrims” until 175 years after they landed? William Bradford, the colony’s first governor, did use the word once in his journal. But the group referred to themselves as “Separatists” or “Dissenters” because they disagreed with the Church of England.Back then, disagreeing with the church was a great way of getting thrown in jail. Luckily this Pilgrim Women’s Costume is a great way to get your Mayflower on without worrying about your well-being. Worst-case scenario, someone might ask you to build them some furniture or raise a barn. It’s not a bad skill to know, after all.

Product Details

Pilgrims emigrated to America to be able to worship the way they wanted to. In keeping with their disdain for elaborate rituals of the Church of England, they wore simple, plain clothing in muted colors, such as this Pilgrim Woman Costume.This Puritan women’s costume features a black dress with a white collar, sleeve cuffs, and an apron with self-fabric ties at the back perfect for any historical Thanksgiving setting. If you need a historical costume to start your own pilgrimage, check out this Pilgrim Women’s Costume.

More sizes may be available, shop here.

Brand: California Costumes

Gender: Female

Size: L

Color: Black & White

Material: Polyester


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Pilgrim Costume for Women

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