Old Time Santa Deluxe Adult Costume


Good old Saint Nick. He makes toys all year long in one of the most inhospitable places on earth, and what does he get in return? Two things: the knowledge that he makes a lot of good boys and girls very happy, and several thousand tons of milk and cookies. We will leave the matter of which is better, charity or cookies, to debate, but in Santa’s case it’s fortunate that he doesn’t have to choose one over the other.We all know and love Santa’s signature look. But did you know that Santa’s suit does more than just make him recognizable? Have you ever flown at several times the speed of sound at high altitudes in an open sleigh in December? It gets a little chilly, to say the least. That’s why Santa opts for all that extra fluff on his suit’s trim. Furthermore, visibility is always a factor. The last thing Santa would want while he’s en route to El Paso is to have an unfortunate run-in with a jumbo jet. Fortunately, his rich red suit is very visible to pilots, and they swerve away accordingly. This might upset the first class passengers’ drinks, but they all understand that Christmas is more important than their Rob Roys.With the brilliant and detailed Deluxe Old Time Santa Costume, even the skeptics will know in their hearts that they just met the legend himself. From the intricate belt to the suede-like boot tops, no detail is spared in this ultimate Santa outfit. The looks on their faces when they see you in this will make you smile ear to ear — and the cookies they give you won’t hurt either!

More sizes may be available, shop here.

Brand: Fun World

Gender: Male

Size: One-Size

Color: Red & White



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Old Time Santa Deluxe Adult Costume

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