Deluxe Adult Jedi Robe – Star Wars Jedi Robe Costume


Plenty of the most iconic cultural movements have been marked by one or two traits that might have seemed a little backwards to the people who didn’t really get them. Like recently, here on Earth, there was a whole wave of young people who insisted that fixed-gear bicycles without brakes were the only way to travel. And a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, there lived an order of monks wielding handcrafted plasma swords in a universe bristling with blasters.Some people called the lightsaber an elegant weapon for a more civilized age. Some people called the people who said things like that totally nuts. As a rule, we don’t involve ourselves in arguments when one party has a lightsaber dangling from their belt and the other party is holding a thermal detonator. But we will say that a Jedi’s robes are almost as distinctive as their bladed weapons, since the Jedi aren’t supposed to be looking for a fight. And lightsabers can be wielded by non-Jedi, but you don’t see the sinister General Grievous wearing a Deluxe Adult Jedi Robe like this one! It’s kind of similar to how wearing a skin-tight cycling uniform on a fixie bike signals something completely different from riding around in a flannel shirt with a case of cheap beer in tow. To make a statement, you gotta have the right outfit!

More sizes may be available, shop here.

Brand: Rubies Costume Co. Inc

Gender: Unisex

Size: One-Size

Color: Brown

Material: Polyester


Catalog: RU56089-ST Categories: , , , Tags: , , , ,

Deluxe Adult Jedi Robe – Star Wars Jedi Robe Costume

Catalog: RU56089-ST Categories , , , Tags , , , ,