Child Halloween Kills Coveralls


Killer CostumeWhen your child wants to dress up, do they go for cute, spooky, or scary? The kids we have polled usually say spooky, but we get a good amount of all of them. The funny thing is that kids don’t always think the same things are scary as we do. Some are just terrified of clowns (which we find understandable), and others are more scared of vampires, werewolves, or aliens. They also don’t categorize some things as scary that most adults would and vice versa.For example, while this Halloween Kills costume was pretty high up there on the scary scale for adults, it didn’t even make the top fifty for kids. In fact, the number one scariest thing we found when we polled kids is cooties! That’s right, simple, loveable cooties that all adults have. Once we figure that costume out, we should be able to retire! In the meantime, kids will just have to settle for this.A Bloody CoverupThe good news is that this is a great costume! The coveralls have a pre-ripped sleeve and several pre-blasted bullet holes, so there will be no need to make your own. The blood and tire tread has also been pre-applied, leaving you all the precious time you would’ve spent on it. That means more time scaring your kids with cooties, which is a victory in anyone’s book.Pass the MikeWhen your children come tell you that they want to get a bloody, torn murderer costume, this is absolutely the best choice. The Halloween Kills Child Coveralls are perfect for any occasion, from Halloween, to Mardi Gras, to Karaoke night. We know you’ll love them!

More sizes may be available, shop here.

Brand: Trick or Treat Studios

Gender: Male

Size: One-Size

Color: Red & Blue

Material: Polyester

Original price was: $59.99.Current price is: $39.99.

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Child Halloween Kills Coveralls

Catalog: TTEMMF101-ST Categories , , , Tags , , , , ,