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- MyFirstHalloween.com
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Ah, so you’ve come to hear all about lycanthropy, have you? Well, werewolves started out with the Greeks, who told folk tales about mythological creatures that could shapeshift into a wolf or a wolf-like creature, sometimes because they liked to get freaky, but often times because of a curse or scratch from another werewolf. Pretty soon werewolves because synonymous with witches and other occult items, and before long they were grafted into 18th century adventure and horror literature. There were even strange trials involving people accused of being werewolves. (Look up Peter Stumpp sometime…)Today’s werewolves are a lot more exciting thanks to our modern CGI and ab crunches. They’re also a lot less scary and lot more difficult to choose from between vampires (if you’re a skinny pale girl in high school with a history of drama, that is…) But we don’t believe that the werewolves’ colorful history should be forgotten or left behind. The true fans of werewolves might like this costume, for example. This is a Werewolf costume with some bite, and a lot less drama…Check out the 100% polyester long sleeved plaid shirt and brown fur that attaches to the cuffs and collar. That’s some real scary werewolf right there. There’s also a faux fur headpiece with attached ears to round out the costume. We’d advise adding some scary teeth and maybe a little fake blood to finish off your costume.
More sizes may be available, shop here.
Brand: FUN Costumes
Gender: Male
Size: 2X
Color: Brown
Material: Polyester